Tips to Nail Your Headlines

If you want more people to hook, read this.

Hello Dark Chocolate fans

Here I am, Ishita, welcoming you all with the 14th edition as a co-author.

Writing headlines is the most crucial part of any content.

Effective headlines ensure that the readers click on your content out of curiosity.

A perfect headline grabs the reader’s attention and ensures a good click rate.

Here are some tips that will help you write effective headlines:

Ensure Clarity

An effective headline ensures that the topic of the write-up is communicated to the readers. The headline leaves no room for guessing as to what the main write-up contains and what to expect.

For example, the headline “10 tips to look younger” or “5 places to visit before you die” clearly communicates the intention of the rest of the content.

Keep it Simple

A simple headline is more effective in grabbing the reader’s attention. It is no secret that the attention span of the readers is less than 7 seconds. To ensure that the audience is clicking on your content, the headline should not be more than 8-10 words.

Make Your Audience Curious

A headline that generates curiosity often has a higher click rate than headlines that have boring titles.

For example, a headline that says “How to write effective headlines” is less interesting than one that says “Nail your headlines”.

So don’t compromise with headlines!

SEO Optimization

If you want your write-up to rank on the first or the second page of search engines, you can consider Search Engine Optimization. Add your keyword to the heading to ensure SEO optimization.

Avoid Clickbait Headings

A clickbait heading might make your audience click on your content but it would not make them read your content once they realize that your title was a clickbait.

For example, do not write something unrealistic like “I saw an alien in my backyard” or “How to lose 25 kgs in a month”. This would make you lose credibility as a writer and make your audience take you lightly. We definitely do not want that, do we?

It’s time to say bye, see you tomorrow at 7:00 PM

Hello hello hello, you beautiful people.

Welcoming you again for the 14th edition

I am so excited that I am bringing this with a lawyer, haha kidding.

It’s great to have Ishita with me, We were in talks for a long.

There is a surprise, I won’t reveal here, see you on Monday at 7:00 PM on Linkedin

Well, She has covered it pretty much but I will add some more points here

Try to use numbers

According to Copyblogger, Numerals give your readers' brains a quick shortcut.

Numbers are the best to get the highest CTR

I will give you an example here

10 must-have apps for accountability (You knew it right?)

Numbers create specificity so people take action quickly

Ask a question

Asking a question intrigues your audience, It will persuade them to click.

I will give you an example here

Is this popular diet method suit you?

Emotion is your biggest weapon

As a copywriter, we focus on psychology and play with the emotion.

Every target group is facing some issue, It might be anything, You just need to identify their biggest pain point, and now write headlines that evoke emotions and curiosity.

One pro tip: You should always make it surprising, which they can’t think of or never imagined.

Let me give you an example

‘This is the best advice, no one told you about freelancing’


It is the most underrated hack, If you want to target the local people always write something which they can relate to, if you target any Indian people and write something which brings thought about America, do you think they will be able to relate?

Well. let me give you an example of how to grab the attention

‘5 hiking places in Darjeeling’

Well, I haven’t added too much humour here, Sorry for disappointing you.

I will see you tomorrow at 7:00 PM on Linkedin

See you soon Dark Chocolate fans!

Don’t forget to follow Ishita.


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