How to use Storytelling in copywriting

Magic of writing inside

Hello Hello

Anirban here again

This will be the best edition

Ask me why?

I am going to write about my favourite topic, storytelling

Oh yeah, I promised you that I would bring someone amazing

So I brought Chaima to co-author me for the 11th edition

She will introduce herself as she has some great stories

Well, I know I bore you a lot but don’t skim through today’s newsletter

First thing first

What is storytelling?

In layman’s language

Storytelling is all about sharing your stories in a way that people don’t get bored and can imagine what exactly you are trying to convey

Can you recall your granny’s stories?

Just try to understand how she told them and why you still remember them

Can you connect the dots?

Well, let me make it more clear for you

Copywriting is all about taking action right?

Whether it is a sales copy, landing page copy or website copy

The ultimate goal for copywriting is to sell something

It might be a product or service

Now forget everything and focus

I tell you every time that copywriting is not writing it’s psychology

Why you should use storytelling in copywriting

Whenever you tell a story there is a release of dopamine from knowing or learning more, it pleases you and it makes you emotionally invested in it and removes the layer of logic and exposes the emotions then cortisol helps to make you pay attention to the story more than ever. Now oxytocin does the rest: it builds the connection with empathy and forces you to buy the particular product or service.

Now, let me tell you how storytelling helps in copywriting rather Chaima will kill me, she threatened me via 22+ messages

Make it personalized: The best way to reach your emotion is by telling a story so, if I bring up an incident from your childhood when you first cried, you will be immersed in the writing, won't you?

Now storytelling will help you to write something about the prospect’s personal life and attach the brand voice to it

Benefits, not the product: As I always say, don’t sell the product, share the benefits, it’s simple. Try to mention their current state and convey where they can be with your product or service

Think like them: Storytelling is fun as you can write with their voice, the best way to do is by finding some testimonials or feedback and just use to write the copy

Business stories: Have you ever checked the story of Ford? How many times did you listen to that? Now ask yourself why?

Why do you think that you are so attached to the story of Ford, not any other brand?

Because they have a great story to tell which is associated with their brand, vision and mission.

Well, Chaima is in backstage, she is sending too many messages I need to go Dark Chocolate Fans, rather I won’t be alive

Let me know how you are celebrating New Year's. See you soon, my people.

Ahm, ahm, I thought you would never finish, man!

Thank god you gave me the mic before I decided on hunting you for Halloween

I remember the first time I wrote a story because I could not remember the first time I heard a story

It was a long, long time ago.

The story was about something stupid, as always

I was 14, okay?

However, I can always remind myself of the technique I fought myself to follow

Yes, I was a reckless child, so annoyed with how many rules there are

So if you feel the same as me,

The only technique I will give you is simple but effective; you will stupidly not think about it!

Which is the hero’s journey?

Don't worry, this framework will never get old!

Believe me when I say I wrote many and many stories with this 3-arc story framework, and I still find a way to be creative

So if you are a person who likes to have a step-by-step guide ready before writing

This is for you

Or if you like to go with the flow and be free to write without any limits,

This is also for you

I believe a writer needs fewer techniques and more writing to do

So take it and work with it or don’t

It is up to you!

The only words of advice I have are the following (cuz I am generous today):

Slow down: Yes, just slow down while telling the story, It is a bit easier when you say it eye-to-eye, but you can slow down while taking a moment to describe the surroundings, the view, and people’s feelings, not go through the hook directly and fast

Always have the final lesson in mind: If anything is going towards something else than the actual lesson, DELETE it!

Write and rewrite: write the story in one form and do it again from another angle. Starting the story from the beginning is boring; what about starting it from the end first? Give a glimpse of the end and then go back to the beginning, which is more fun!

The first sentence is always the best one: yes I said it, you don't need to edit that much if you write it once and rewrite it again (without reading the first one), you just need to see what is the best paragraph in each one of them and add them together

Take the reader with you: check on him from time to time; don’t forget that he is important in developing the story (not the paycheck), so make sure he feels included. Oh boy, that will be for the next time I see you!

It was lovely to see you here, guys, loved doing this with my friend AD

I would love to do it again

Till next time

Don't forget the ABCs: always be curious!

Don’t forget to follow my friend Chaima

Leaving See Ya GIF by MOODMAN



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