How to overcome writer's block as a copywriter

5 awesome ideas inside + Bonus

Hello people, Samy here.

Welcoming you for the 12th edition of Dark Chocolate

As a Copywriter you would have faced more Writer's block than copies.

Yep. You're not alone.

Some days the ideas flow.

The Writings are non-stop.

But, ohhh, Some days,

You wonder how you're even a writer.

On those days, follow these 5 tips to overcome writer's block

Go Cafe-hopping

It really doesn't have to be just cafes. Travel anywhere you would like to go. The goal is to change the environment and the mindset you are in. Changing places, Being surrounded by new things will help you to articulate your thoughts better and thus new ideas will flow.

Sleep it off

If ideas don't come to you, it definitely means that your brain wants a break. Take a power nap or put the work aside and sleep it off. Your creative juices will be flowing the next day.

Pro(Sam) tip : Keep an iPad or a note next to you. I always get the best ideas when I'm trying to sleep😬

Keep your Workspace Minimal

When the environment you work in is Minimal and free of junk your brain works better too.

Oh wait wait, Do you think I am going to tell you all 5 tips to overcome writers block?

Anirban would kill me if I did this.

So It’s time for leaving the space Anirban called me 17 times so far

Bye, Dark choco fans.

We will meet on LinkedIn again.

Hellooooo you beautiful people, welcome back to the 12th edition.

First of all, I apologize for not delivering the previous edition at 10:00 AM.

Hope there will be no inconvenience on my end from the next editions

You know what, when I started the first edition, I didn't think I would get so much response and support. I can’t thank you enough.

In today's edition I brought Samyukta, one of my cool friends.

She is so awesome.

Well, today we are talking about a great topic, which we all face everyday.

She kept 2 points for me, she is so smart right?

Alright, so here are the two points:

Use the Pomodoro technique

I talk about this so much. I came to know about pomodoro from Ankur Warikoo. Trust me, after that my work pace changed totally.

Francesco Cirillo is a genius, he invented the best productivity hack.

It's simple - work for 25 mins and then take 5 min breaks.

Or, work for 50 mins and take a 10 min break.

Now let's talk about the last and best one:

Do something else

If you are unable to write, stop looking at your blank screen. Instead, do some other activities. Most of the time it brings you new ideas, new ways of writing. The best option is to take a walk.

For me, I get most of my ideas during my gym session. Also, you can choose any of your hobbies, like I love playing the ukulele.

I can see your face, you need more.

Well, never mind, here is a bonus tip for you:

Don't name it

When you give a name to anything, that means you are focusing on it too much. According to the American Psychological Association, many psychologists don't believe in writer's block. They have the thought that we make all of this too difficult for our work.

I hope you got immense value from this 12th edition.

It's already the second week of January. Are you there with your goals or did you discontinue them?

Reply to this email and let me know.

Thank you for everything, Dark Chocolate fans.

I will be there with you next week with another amazing human.

Till then, bye!

Don’t forget to follow my friend, Samy on LinkedIn


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