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  • Uncovering the proven framework to write a sales letter

Uncovering the proven framework to write a sales letter

Persuade by sending a letter

4 Months and 39 subscribers later, here I am with one of the most value-driven edition

Hello, dark chocolate fans welcoming you all again with the 18th edition of Dark chocolate.

I believe that the best medium for sending someone a message is still a letter

‘No one can block you’

I know you can recall your good old days, can’t you?

I am a gen-z I never saw people communicating with letters for official purpose

But… I am an old-school guy, I believe letters are the best.

This internet is not good, I swear.

Coming back to something you were going to discuss.

Today I am going to talk about how you can write an effective sales letter that brings business.

Before you continue, I would love to inform you sales letters are not lengthy letters.

With time the delivery methods and length of messages have changed.

Sales letters are mostly written to promote products or services to potential customers.

It is one of the most crucial marketing tools which comes under copywriting.

Let’s learn how to write a sales letter

Here is the framework of a sales letter

  • Headline

  • Introduction

  • Offer

  • Reason to buy

  • Let’s discuss it in detail


Headline is the perfect place to show your promise. By reading your headline your customer should say “I want this” before reading the whole stuff.

How to make it better?

Use these ideas

  • Power words

  • Numbers

  • Result oriented

  • Testimonial

Check the headline of this newsletter

Uncovering the Proven framework to write a sales letter (Uncovering is a power word)


I want you to keep in mind that you are writing a sales letter, it’s all about persuading them.

But before you start pitching your service, give a quick intro about what you are going to talk about so you and your readers will be on the same page.

Keep it short and grab their attention for the pitch part.

Before we go further, here is the real deal.

WINFT (What’s in for them)

You can’t keep talking about yourself, This is against marketing and copywriting. Every day I put so many emails in the spam folder (Of course after taking the idea, haha) because they send long copy of talking about themselves. No one will read it, no one wants to know about you. After writing your small intro, start your sales letters with what’s in for them. You are pitching but it should not look like a pitch, They should feel like you are just solving their pain point.


Your offer needs to be super clear with a guarantee. The offer should contain how they can bear with their pain points and how your service or product can solve them. So again follow the rule of WINFT and offer your service or Product.


You pitched them with the benefits they would get by taking your service or offer, now what? Why they should trust you? The only way is to give them the assurance and guarantee, That your product or service is going to change their life.

One more thing to consider. Always, create an urgency.


  • Offer expires soon

  • Limited stock

  • Buy within 24 hours and get a bonus (adding a bonus increases the chance of conversion)

Now you know the framework to write a sales letter.

But, do you know there are 6 kinds of sales letters to accomplish other goals?

  • Direct

  • Follow-up

  • Selling Incentive

  • Inquiry

  • For New Customers

  • Thank You

Favourite Tweet from last week

Now you might be wondering that we have talked about the sales letter where we are selling only not saying thank you. Yes, we talked about the sales letters to sell our product, Which are known as direct sales letters.

Before we wrap up, I want to repeat once again.

Sales letters are to persuade and build relations with people.

By the way, to give you a number, your sales letter should not be more than 300 words.

So, dark chocolate fans, I hope you find something new today.

I am just finishing this writing at 12:45 AM on Saturday, It’s time to sleep with a dark chocolate.

So give me a high five and grab a dark chocolate.

Your ‘sales letter writer’ Anirban is signing off.


For Sale GIF by Paramount+

Gif by paramountplus on Giphy


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