How to Optimizing copy for SEO

Chance to win a T-shirt

Remember that amazing copy you poured your heart into?

The one you just knew could help tons of people but was left unnoticed and forgotten?

Ughhh…I feel you.

I once wrote a copy on how to make the fluffiest pancakes (yes, it's a real skill!), and it didn't perform well.

But then, I learned about SEO copywriting and optimized my content, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer!

So if your copy isn't grabbing as much attention as a cat video on the internet? Then your copy might be the culprit!

Hi, I'm Sanjana – a poetic soul who found her way into the world of content writing.

Okay so let’s get straight to the point.

But how do you optimize your copy for SEO? Well, grab your coffee and get cosy, ‘cause you're about to know some secrets.


Let's start…

Quality Content

Focus on creating high-quality, informative content: Your content should be valuable to your audience and answer their questions.

Keyword Research

Before writing, find your primary and secondary keywords using tools like Semrush and Ahrefs.

Analyze the top-ranking pages on Google for your keyword to understand the preferred content format.

Use Keywords in Headings and Subheadings.

Begin with an H1 title that grabs attention and includes your main keyword.

Use H2 subheadings to support your main title, and don't forget to add the keyword.

Add H3 subheadings to further break down the content.

Compelling Meta Descriptions

Keep it short under 105 characters for optimal display.

Although It's not a direct ranking factor, a well-written meta description can attract clicks.

Use phrases like "learn more" or "find out" to encourage clicks.

Optimize Meta Title

Make sure to add your primary keyword as early as possible in the title tag.

Keep it short—around 55 characters—to prevent it from cutting off on Google's results page.

By following these tips, you can optimize your copy for SEO and improve your ranking in search results.

Happy SEO success!

Heloooooo people, what is up?

Before we go ahead I am happy to announce that I have collaborated with 18 people so far.

And, this is the final newsletter where I am collaborating with Sanjana.

We have known each other for the last 6 months; she is amazing.

Today we are gonna teach you how to optimize your copy for SEO.

Wait, wait, wait. I have something to share with you.

I am giving away a T-shirt to a person.

To grab the T-shirt; all you need to do is -

You need to write what you love about this newsletter and post it on Linkedin

Tag me and I will pick the best one, and you will receive the T-shirt at your doorstep.

Sorry for interrupting, let’s continue.

SEO and copywriting are the two best skills anyone can have.

When you mix them both, It creates wonder and it will be appealing to both human users and search engines.

My friend Sanjana has already discussed the points on how to make your copy optimized for SEO.

So, I won’t repeat but here are two examples of SEO copywriting from Robbie

I hope it added value to your copywriting journey.

I would love to remind you of the giveaway.

In the coming week, I will be there alone but with more value than I put in previous editions.

To Be Or Not To Be Reaction GIF by Anne Horel

Gif by annehorel on Giphy


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