How to stand out as a copywriter

Don't open if you can't accept it

"Can you make the copy stand out? Audiences have a shorter attention span.”

No. They DON'T. People binge-watch Netflix all day. People finish off a 300-page novel in 12 hours.

They are ONLY skipping on your content because…because you're ONE of the copywriters. Where's your voice?

Well helloo there, my dark delights!

This 15th edition of "Dark Chocolate" is going to bring some double trouble to your competitors.

Yours truly, Sushmita!

And no, I will not tell you to blend in. We're talking ‘stand the darn out’ here.

Let me adjust my mic.

How To Stand Out As A Copywriter?

Use the AIDA formula

Research and understand your audience

Apply storytelling

Add emotions to your language

Give a strong message

Write less, write short, and be direct

Add numbers

Use an irresistible CTA

Cut the fluff

Self-educate like crazy

Write daily


Because every other copywriter is applying those techniques, so, here’s how YOU can stand out.

  1. Avoid clichés. Avoid overly salesy copy at all costs.

  2. Do not alienate your readers. “This device unleashes the facilitations and synchronisation of operational efficiencies within….” DON'T. Ditch that robotic jargon.

  3. Avoid using “better” at all costs. Better implies further superior products.

    Eg: Write a “better” copy by reading this newsletter. (NAH. Write the BEST copy by reading this newsletter)

  4. Remove repeated adjectives and unnecessary adverbs.

  5. Avoid using “that”.

  6. Avoid trying to sound smart at double costs.

  7. Don't use high-pressure, aggressive, pushy, or limited-time CTA techniques. (unless necessary)

  8. Avoid using false claims and exaggerating them. (unless you fancy reputational and legal repercussions)

  9. Optimize it for SEO. Many don't.

  10. Stay ahead. Learn each day. New tools, new trends, new techniques. Master it. Always have more to serve to your client.

  11. Sell benefits over features. Nobody cares what that product does. They care what that product does for THEM.

  12. A/B split-test everything.

  13. Headlines will hook, but subheads will HOLD.

  14. Sell the result, not the process.

  15. Don’t say, “You ARE experiencing X problem”. Say, “You MIGHT BE”.

  16. Edit the copy. Most of them don't.


Find YOUR differentiating factor to stand out.

  • The services you offer

  • Your rates

  • Your ideal clients

Not every copywriter will offer the same services, charge the same rates, and serve the same people.

Okay bye. Passing on the mic to Anirban. Seee yaa. 🙋‍♀️

Heloooooooo my dear dark choco fanssssssss

Glad to have you back in the 15th edition.

I was wondering why it takes so much effort to be a 'successful' person.

I got a slap on my face after I researched their struggle.

Every person out there is successful because they put in the reps.

They paid for it. The blood-sweat cycle was no easy task.

If you want to be a copywriter, be a premium copywriter.

Don’t just be another copywriter.

People will treat you the way they treat other copywriters.

Oh my goodness, I forgot to introduce my co-author!

Today, I have Sushmita, a teacher (She said no to me but yes to you all).

I really don’t have anything more to add beyond what she shared.

But, all I want to mention is:

Position yourself as a premium copywriter.

Find the gaps people are not filling. No need to reinvent the wheel.

Just do what people are afraid to do.

Need a quick recap?

Your headlines are 80% of the battle (as Ogilvy said).

Presentation is key.

Sell the benefits, not the features.

Don’t write for your own benefit.

Say no to jargon.

Maintain consistency with your narratives.

One quick question – Do you think the email copy is too long?


If you want to know the structures I follow to write copy, here they are:

BAB - Before After Bridge

PAS - Problem Agitate Solution

HSO - Hook Story Offer

AID - Attention Interest Desire

Can you guess the structure of this email copy?

Don’t tell anyone - It was a listicle.

Thank you so much, my family. I will see you next week with another value bomb!



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