They often lie, Don’t listen to them

What is 9 multiplication 2?

Dark Chocolate/Read Time: 3 minutes

Hey there 👋🏻

How are you all doing?

Kolkata is too hot and I am feeling like a boiled chicken

Alright, so today is 9th of June (and my exams are starting from tomorrow)

How about we do a 9×2 =18 myths 👀 

(No emails breakdown today)

I will tell you 18 myths, which you often hear but they are not true.

Myth 1: Email Marketing is Dead

Reality: Email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for communication and conversion.

Highest ROI compared to other marketing strategies.

According to a 2024 study by Litmus, email marketing delivers an average ROI of $42 for every dollar spent.

Myth 2: People Hate Getting Emails

Reality: When done correctly, people appreciate receiving relevant and valuable emails.

A HubSpot survey found that 78% of consumers have made a purchase as a result of a marketing email.

Personalization and permission-based lists make emails welcome rather than intrusive.

Myth 3: Sending More Emails Annoys Subscribers

Reality: The frequency of emails isn't the issue. Irrelevant or low-quality content is.

A well-segmented list receiving personalized, valuable content can actually lead to increased engagement and retention.

Myth 4: Email Marketing Requires a Large Budget

Reality: Email marketing can be cost-effective, especially for small businesses.

But tools like Beehiiv, mailerlite works well.

Myth 5: Email is Only Effective for B2C

Reality: Email marketing is highly effective for B2B as well.

A Content Marketing Institute report showed that 93% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content, and it's a top channel for lead generation and nurturing.

Myth 6: You Don't Need to Segment Your Email List

Reality: Segmentation is crucial for delivering the relevant content.

According to Mailchimp, segmented campaigns have an open rate that is 14.31% higher and a click-through rate that is 100.95% higher than non-segmented campaigns.

Myth 7: Email Marketing is Spam

Reality: Spam is an unsolicited, irrelevant, and often deceptive email.

Email marketing, involves sending valuable, permission-based content to subscribers who have opted in.

Compliance with laws like the GDPR and CAN-SPAM ensures ethical practices.

Myth 8: High Open Rates Guarantee Success

Reality: Open rates are just one metric.

Click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI are equally important.

A high open rate doesn't always translate to engagement or sales.

Myth 9: Emails Should Always Be Short

Reality: The length of an email should be based on its purpose and the audience.

While concise emails often work well, long-form emails can be effective for storytelling or delivering in-depth content. Testing different lengths can help determine what works best.

Myth 10: Email Marketing is Just About Selling

Reality: Email marketing is also about building relationships and providing value. Educational content, tips, and community updates can foster loyalty and engagement. Balancing promotional and value-driven content keeps your audience engaged and lessens unsubscribe rates.

Myth 11: You Need a Big List to Make a Big Impact

Reality: A small, active list is more valuable than a large list of disengaged subscribers. Focus on serving each subscriber well through segmentation and personalization.

Myth 12: There is One "Best" Day or Time to Send Emails

Reality: The optimal send time varies by industry and audience. Setting up optimization tests is the best way to determine the ideal time for your specific target audience.

Myth 13: Sending More Emails Leads to More Unsubscribes

Reality: While sending too many irrelevant emails can cause unsubscribes, under mailing can hurt ROI by missing sales opportunities and keeping your brand top-of-mind.

Myth 14: The Smaller the Subject Line, the Better

Reality: Subject line length has little impact on open rates. Wording, personalization, and the ability to drive click-through and conversion are more important factors.

Myth 15: Using "Free" in Emails Causes Spam Filtering

Reality: Email engagement, not specific words, determines if an email is filtered as spam. Focus on what drives engagement for your audience.

Myth 16: Graymail is Just as Bad as Spam

Reality: Graymail is defined as an opted-in email that recipients no longer want, while spam is an unsolicited email. High graymail rates indicate a lack of engaging content.

Myth 17: More Emails Equal Better Results

Reality: Quality always trumps quantity in email marketing. Targeted campaigns considering subscriber needs and interests yield better outcomes than sending many irrelevant emails.

Myth 18: Open Rates Are the Only Important Metric

Reality: While open rates are vital, marketers should evaluate success using a range of metrics including the click-through rates, the conversion rates, and overall engagement.

See you all soon people.

Till then keep grabbing Dark Chocolate and travel more.


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