AIDA formula to structure your copy

Massive value inside

Hellooooooo People Dark Chocolate fans Shagufta here

Welcoming you all with so much cold from Delhi to the 13th edition of Dark Chocolate.

I don’t love to waste time, let’s jump into the business.

If you’ve ever wondered how the brands you use convince you to buy from them (sometimes even when you don’t want to), they probably use AIDA…

To hook you till the end and take action (subscribe to their newsletter, comment on their posts, or simply purchase their product).

Who's that, AIDA?

No, no! AIDA is not a human being but does the work of knowing human beings.

AIDA is the oldest copywriting formula that can help you know how you can turn your visitors into customers.

If you want people to become your people, the AIDA framework is your way to go.

What is the AIDA framework for copywriting?

It stands for:

A - Attention

I - Interest

D - Desire

A - Action

= A copywriting formula to get you more sales + a way to know how your customer buys.

Elements of the AIDA framework

AIDA's model is not just for crafting strategic marketing copy.

It is also applicable to any communication where your goal is to make someone take action.

Now, let’s discuss the elements of AIDA in detail.

1. Attention

Do you remember how earlier street vendors used to shout in their unique voices to catch their customers' attention?

It was a lot of work, right? The scope was limited too.

You’re in a better position now!

The struggle is nearly the same, with increased competition in the market.

But now you have more ways to grab ‘your’ audience's attention.

In your copy/message, you can do that by using:

  • videos

  • catchy colours

  • shocking facts

  • relatable elements

  • a ‘tagline’

Why should people care about your offer?

They care if your product is something:

  • that addresses their pain points

  • they care about

  • they enjoy

  • they're struggling with

  • that strikes an emotional cord with them

You need to stand out first to be able to sell later.

If you have their attention, you’re in the game. : )

2. Interest

Now it's time to use that attention and show some spark through your copy.

They don’t owe you their attention for long, you need to earn it.

For that, you have only a few seconds (not 70 minutes, YKIYK) to bring them into your game.

Give them a reason why they should stick around.

How do you do that?

  • By using their language

  • By keeping everything simple and scannable

  • By making it about them

  • By entertaining them

By giving them more and more value (so that they can give back to you by becoming your customers)

By telling them more about your product and how people have enjoyed it

And yes! By using stories

At this stage, you nurture their initial interest so that they can stay a little longer.

As you’ve seen, how do your favourite platforms keep you hooked, right?

3. Desire

Now put on your selling attire. This stage is about creating desire (a rhyme spotted!).

So it's time to hail your product.

Do everything in your power to make them believe that your product can make a difference in their lives.

For that, first

  • establish a connection with them

  • Share your USP (unique selling proposition)

  • match your product/offer to their needs

list out the benefits of why you're “the one,” and make it a no-brainer for them

4. Action

By this time, your visitors should be impressed by your offer, but don't assume that they always know what you want them to do.

You'll have to encourage them to act by placing a direct CTA (Call to Action) nearby.

Also, get other resources (testimonials, case studies, or videos) available for them to ease out the process in case they need them to decide easily.

Include a CTA for better conversions. Examples of CTAs can be:

  • ‘Learn more’ option

  • Subscribe option

  • Buy now option

Remember to give free value first and to have an active social media presence for credibility.

The customer may or may not buy from you, but that doesn't mean you stop.

That's where the bonus element comes into play.

Bonus Element

5. Retain or Engage

When the cost of attracting customers is high, you'd not want to lose your present customers to attract new ones.

So offer high value with your product and stay connected with them so that they keep coming back to you and recommend you to others as well.

An Example of the AIDA framework

Netflix isn't new in this marketing game. Let's see how they use AIDA to increase their fan base.

Attention: They use large billboards with catchy slogans, and their overall presence on the internet gives them a good amount of attention.

Interest: When you land on their website, they offer a variety of shows to watch or a free plan to give you a vibe of what it feels like to be in the Netflix fam.

Desire: Next, they create a desire by giving you more options to level up your experience with the platform.

Action: When they see you're at a stage of buying, they offer their various premium plans at your convenience so that you wouldn't mind trying for once, at least.

If you enjoy their experience, you'll be happy to be their customer forever. And they ensure that you do. That's how they retain their customers.

Oh my goodness, I forgot, I mentioned each and everything

Anirban told me to write less so he could add something

He is gonna kill me

Save me from his hand you people

He is coming, so it’s time to say goodbye

See you soon!

Oh yeah, I am resuming my LinkedIn journey after so long, I would love to see you there.

What is up my Dark chocolate family

I am happy to have you here in the 13th edition

(Special note: I asked Shagufta 1000 times before she said yes to collab with me 🥲)

Shagufta has done more than I expected

Yes you know it, I am not gonna talk anymore and finish it here.

Though she covered everything about the AIDA framework

I would love to talk more about it

Consistency across the platform

It is too much necessary to maintain consistency in messaging across the various platforms so people will be able to connect with you more.

It reinforces the key elements and builds a stronger brand presence.

Always focus on A/B testing

Never settle for less, find the best way to bring people. Keep experimenting even if you know what is best for your audience, as you don’t know when an unconventional way of thinking can help you.

Trends come and go, never depend on them but ride on them, create, and deliver with the trend, once it is gone come back to the conventional way.


As a copywriter the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that you don’t write, you play with their emotion. Your audience wants to connect with you, they want to feel your product or, service.

Whether it is an anecdote or a customer testimonial, it’s all about the presentations.

Though AIDA is old, CATT is the new form of marketing

Content, Attention, Trust and transaction.

We will come up with an advocate in the next edition

Stay tuned to learn more, grow more

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See you soon my dark chocolate family.

Don’t forget to follow my friend Shagufta

Bye Bye Goodbye GIF by Mickey Mouse

Gif by MickeyMouse on Giphy


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